We are pleased to announce the presence of PM OIL&STEEL at Bauma 2025, the world’s largest industrial trade fair, which will take place in Munich from 7 to 13 April…
Dear valued Manitex customer, We are excited to start off the new year welcoming you, as a loyal Manitex International customer, to Tadano. As you may have heard, on January…
Many people often associate words like renewal and evolution with straightforward marketing operations. For PM, however, they form part of a specific vision and a practical mission, aimed at overcoming…
Our mission has always been to interpret and respond to ever-changing market demands, each with its own specific features, customer by customer. The wide range of PM cranes covers every…
The PM 15.5 P, the evolution of the PM 15.5—one of the most cherished models within the PM range—is now available on the market. This model has achieved remarkable success,…
Following certifications for quality, workplace safety, and environmental management, the achievement of the ISO 50001 certification, issued by the International Organization for Standardization, demonstrates the seriousness of the commitments we…
Following the excellent feedback received at the official presentation at GIS EXPO 2.023, we want to describe in detail the new and essential evolutionary step, which fits right into PM’s…
The GIS EXPO in Piacenza is the most important event in Italy this year for operators in the world of lifting systems. This biennial event has regularly attracted huge crowds…
The integration of increasingly advanced automatic features in the sector of truck-mounted cranes is becoming the most important challenge for the main market leaders. PM has introduced a series of…
The 70.5 SP is the greatest engineering and production effort that PM has made in recent years: this crane has been meticulously designed with the aim of delivering a…
15 April 2023 is the date that marks the entry into force of the new standard EN 12999:2020. Its application significantly increases the safety of our truck cranes, effectively „doubling“…
March 14-18 2023 Las Vegas Convention Center Manitex International: F9727 – Festival Ground We are very pleased to announce that will be exhibiting our brands MANITEX, OIL&STEEL, PM, RABERN…
Following the successful launch of the all-new, futuristic 70.5 SP, which, once again, saw PM Oil&Steel S.p.A. attract growing interest and approval from both new and loyal customers, we are…
“It’s been a fantastic event!” This is the enthusiastic response from those we had the honour and the pleasure of hosting at our “Back on Track” event, which was…
New Organization of the Sales Export Area As of September 1st, PM Oil & Steel S.p.A. decided to centralize the Sales Export area management of the two product divisions, PM…
Manitex International, Inc. riporta i risultati del terzo trimestre 2020.
Venduta nel Lazio una stupenda PM 100 SP all’azienda Baiocco Srl, con la quale abbiamo realizzato un nuovo video presentato a tutti i nostri dealers nel mondo. Clicca qui per…
PM ha annunciato oggi la nomina di Stefano Ghesini come Responsabile vendite per l’Italia, con il compito di consolidare i rapporti commerciali già esistenti ed ampliare i principali canali di…
Consegna della nuova flotta Autostrade per l’Italia. PM è fiera di essere partner da sempre.
Obiettivo Italia – PM Oil & Steel Spa e Manitex Valla Srl Intervista al nostro direttore commerciale Italia Fulvio Frunzio. Leggi l’intervista
Steve Filipov parla alla rivista JDL. Leggi l’intervista
Il gruppo Manitex partecipa alla fiera ConExpo da oltre 30 anni e in questa edizione presenterà diversi prodotti innovativi. Uno dei prodotti più innovativi che i partecipanti avranno la possibilità…
Un gigante del settore, Steve Filipov parla alla rivista ACT. Leggi l’intervista