83.5 SP - The compact giant aiming for the top

Following the excellent feedback received at the official presentation at GIS EXPO 2.023, we want to describe in detail the new and essential evolutionary step, which fits right into PM’s Platinum range. We are talking about the 83.5 SP, the truck-mounted crane with extremely high performance and record-breaking dimensions.

We have always paid the utmost attention to the essential needs of workers in the industry, and we know that one of the most pressing demands is to reduce size without compromising on performance and structure to have a crane that is both flexible and light. The 83.5 SP is a shining example that such an achievement exists and can produce one of the highest-performing and most versatile machines on the market.

It boasts the absolute minimum of overall dimensions in its category; the new nine-stage version, at 2,490 mm high and 2,550 mm wide, thanks to extensive optimisation work during the design phase, sets a record of just 1,600 mm for overall dimensions for installation (base block size). This considerable limiting of size cut the overall weight by 300 kg from the previous model, resulting in a crane with perfect structural balance. In this respect, one choice that has proved very popular is the positioning of the 270-litre capacity tank, which is appropriately shaped and perfectly integrated into the machine’s structure and appearance.

The eight-extension version equipped with a jib can reach a maximum height of 2,760 mm. This remarkable figure means we can install the 83.5 SP on any type of vehicle, including special-purpose ones with more stringent requirements, for military applications or urban and environmental protection and safety vehicles.

Part of a company’s overall approval rating depends on the level of service provided to customers. Supporting customers efficiently and promptly has been one of PM’s imperatives since its founding. Convinced that we can improve and deliver ever more effective solutions on every front, we have developed A4U (Assistance for You). This brand-new hardware device allows us to intervene remotely to connect with your crane to analyse a malfunction and its possible resolution immediately. There are other state-of-the-art features fitted as standard in the 83.5 SP, which are finding favour with the market. For instance, the Auto-Folding and Smart Winch, respectively, for automatic crane folding and automatic winch handling (please read the in-depth article on PM’s website), make everyday operations more straightforward and efficient. Our innovative Power Tronic electronic system is the beating heart that allows us to implement these and other advanced automatic functions with maximum safety and efficiency. The new control unit integrates  three lines in CAN-BUS to ensure maximum performance and precision of execution in full compliance with the latest EN 12999:2020 standard. Combined with the CMI multifunctional display, it makes it easy for the operator to manage and monitor stabilisation and manoeuvring functions and any errors reported in real-time. The possibility of customising a crane also ensures its great flexibility so it can meet the most varied needs of the operator. Indeed, the 83.5 SP allows for the installation of many optional extras, such as the factory prearrangement for the use of the PLE (operator basket) in full compliance with current regulations, the front stabiliser feet or any other auxiliary function envisaged, such as the body extension.

The design of the new PM crane hinges on the concept of ‘functional aesthetics’, where any design refinement supports the technical choices applied. The importance of the 83.5 SP’s visual appearance conveys, at first glance, the feeling of looking at a jigsaw puzzle in which every piece is integrated perfectly, neatly and seamlessly. Exceptional performance, lightness, safety, and maximum expression of the jib’s potential; the 83.5 SP is a lifting giant. It is the ultimate point of convergence of all the elements that make an unbeatable truck-mounted crane, which also delivers maximum efficiency thanks to its unrivalled degree of technological innovation.

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