The application of advanced electronics on small capacity crane models has made the PM 13.5SP series particularly high-performing and extremely versatile. Equipped as standard with a moment limiting device, the crane also guarantees safe loading operations. This crane is fitted as standard with a proportional hydraulic control valve block and a multi-function radio control.
An LC version is also available, with a hydraulically retractable first boom, which facilitates cumbersome and heavy short-range movements, while also optimizing the loading positions under the column. The basic machine can have up to 5 hydraulic extensions with a maximum horizontal outreach of 14.95 m and a maximum vertical outreach of 18.25 m. Combined with the jib, the outreach increases up to 17.90 m horizontally and 20.80 m vertically.
– Gru dotate di bielle sugli snodi
– Radiocomando multifunzione
– Distributore porporzionale compensato
– Scambiatore di calore
– Sistema di gestione elettronica PM Power Tronic (esclusi i modelli PM 10.5 SP e PM 13.5 SP)
– Disponibili in versione LC
Vehicle type
- 2 Stabilizers STANDARD
- 2 Stabilizers XL
- 4 Stabilizers
Standard equipment

Manual pull-out outrigger booms

Proportional hydraulic control valve block

Air/oil heat exchanger

Sequential arm extension exit


Double connecting rod

Manual flip-up outriggers

Multi-function radio control


Hose reel

Stand up

Hydraulic winch on crane

LC configuration