Fundada en el año 1959, PM es el primer fabricante italiano de grúas hidráulicas para camiones.
Nuestra gama de productos
Últimas novedades
A New Chapter Begins!
Dear valued Manitex customer, We are excited to start off the new year welcoming you, as a loyal Manitex International customer, to…
Revolutionary restyling to mark the new era of the PM 100 SP
Many people often associate words like renewal and evolution with straightforward marketing operations. For PM, however, they form part of a specific…
PM 210 SP para conquistar Italia.
Nuestra misión siempre ha sido interpretar y responder a las demandas de un mercado en constante evolución, cada una con sus especificidades,…
Pm 15.5 p: the rebirth of a classic
The PM 15.5 P, the evolution of the PM 15.5—one of the most cherished models within the PM range—is now available on…
PM Oil&Steel obtains ISO 5001 Certification for the Energy Management System.
Following certifications for quality, workplace safety, and environmental management, the achievement of the ISO 50001 certification, issued by the International Organization for…
83.5 SP - El gigante compacto que aspira a lo más alto
Tras los excelentes comentarios recibidos durante la presentación oficial en la GIS EXPO 2023,queremos describirle detalladamente el nuevo e importante paso evolutivo,…